08 January 2010

I don't like it and you can't make me!

I hate snow.  Hate it.  A lot.  It's cold, it's wet, my dog takes forever to poop in it.  There are many, many things I can come up with that explain why I do not like snow.  Like, half the population doesn't know how to drive in it.  Like, you have to shovel it if you want to get out of your driveway.  Like, I have to brush it off my car and get it all over me because the wind blows it.  Like, sometimes when it snows a lot, my dog gets buried over her head.  (She's LITTLE)  Like, it takes 3 times as long to go out anywhere because of all the damn layers you put on so you don't get snow on your bare skin.... I could keep going.

What's almost as bad as the snow itself are the people who LIKE snow.  Don't fucking tell me that it's so pretty and it makes everything look so lovely and peaceful.  Yes, snow fucking sparkles... that's because it's FROZEN!  And granted, I love sparkly things as much as the next girl...but snow is not a sparkly thing that I love.  Snow is lovely. In pictures.  Not on my car, not on my shoes, not on my dog.  Some random dude said to me yesterday, "Oh, just go make a snow angel, you'll feel better."  I smiled and said, "I think not.  I haven't liked snow since probably the 5th grade."  What I wanted to say was, "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?  I don't like walking in the snow much less LAYING DOWN IN IT!"  Plus, I'm not 5.  Ri-donk-ulous.

I need to move.  No more snow for me.  This shit sucks.


  1. Snow days just aren't the same when you're not 10 years old anymore. *sigh*

  2. They're not. Now the only exciting thing about snow days is watching my itty-bitty doggie get lost in snow drifts!
